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The Elements 



Discourse Delivered in the Fifteenth Street 
Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C, 
Sunday, February w, 1890, 




Problem," &c.,&c. 

Published by Bequest. 

K I,. I'knoleton, Printer. 438 7th Street, N. W. 

The Elements 



Discourse Delivered in the Fifteenth Street 
Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C, 
Sunday, February 10, 1890, 



Author of ''Christianity - , Islam and the Negro Race," ' The African 
Problem," &c, <fec. 

Published by Bequest. 

K. L. Pendleton, Printer, 438 7TH Street, N. W. 



¥0 ^EY. FIOTCI£ J. Gl^IflKE, D.D., 

Pastor of the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church, 
W ashington. D. C. as a token of personal esteem 

and a tribute to his unswerving devotion 
to the cause of africa and the 
Negro Race. 


" But now I hey desire a better country."— Heb. xi— 16. 

Among all nations, civilized or uncivilized, and in all 
languages, life /is represented as a journey — a pilgrimage; 
and because there are successive stages and changes, 
there is implanted in us a restlessness, a constant desire 
to improve the present. Man never is but always to be 

We ourselves undergo changes, both voluntary and in- 
voluntary. Changes take place in our physical condi- 
tions. We grow or decay constantly. There is no cessa- 
tion to the movements— childhood, youth, manhood, old 

There are changes which take place by our voluntary 
efforts. As in early years we begin to observe, the im- 
pressions we receive from contact with the objects 
around, change our mental attitudes. But more directly 
we change through the influence of the school upon us, 
when we come in contact; with those whose business it is 
to modify our conceptions of things — to give us larger 
knowledge of ourselves and of the external world. But 
there is always in us— whether we are undergoing the un- 
conscious changes which external conditions produce up- 
on* us, or the levolution through which we constantly 
pass under the influence of teachers — an undercurrent 
of desire for the better. As we take our places in life — 
if there is anything in us — this all-pervading desire is the 
unfailing stimulus of progress. The merchant, the scohlar, 
the artist, the statesman, having visions of amelioration 
both for themselves, for their professions ai d for human- 

ity, are lifted out of the region of sloth and indifference 
and carried onward and upward. 

One of the blessings of life — a blessing, perhaps, in dis- 
guise — are its illusions. We are allured in the desert of our 
earthly pilgrimage by mirage after mirage, and, though 
illusion after illusion is dispelled, we still think that the 
full and fresh and overflowing fountain is but a few steps 
beyond, and in our imagination we see it sparkling in the 
sunlight. We press on. In this way, in spite of ourselves, 
advancement is made. Or, to change the figure, we 
chase the butterflies, which cover the landscape of our 
imagination, regardless of the ruggedness and fatigue of 
the way, until, whether we have seized the gorgeous in 
sect or not, we have traversed a long distance. 

All changes, however, are not real changes. We can 
transfer ourselves in dreams to other scenes. We can, in 
imagination, take the wings of a dove and fly to seme 
distant mountain — to some isle of the sea. We can stand 
on the summit of our towers in Spain — our airy castles — 
and catch the breezes and view the landscape of a richer 
country; but, alas, from those heights Ave must descend 
to reality. We find that the imaginary — the ideal — is 
cold and lonely, and we come back again to the warmth 
of the actual and practical. 

But there is always a desire for something not in our 
possession and which we long for as desiiable, if not indis- 
pensable. This leads me to consider Some of the ele- 

First. There must be the desire for better. This de- 
sire implies a recognition of imperfection — a knowledge 
deficiency. It is unnecessary to point out that all the 
backwardness everywhere, in all departments of life, and 
among all peoples, is owing, as a rule, to lack of desire 
for improvement. 

Second. The desire will avail nothing, if there be no 
movement. When the prodigal son came to himself, 


realized, that is, his condition, and tbe intense desire for 
a better state of things was awakened in liis soul, lie 
said, U I will arise and go to my Father," and he arose and 
went. There is very little use in the most ardent pray- 
ers, and even in the exceeding' bitter cry, if there is no 
movement. "Wherefore criest thou to me?" said God to 
Moses, "Speak to the children of Israel that they go 
forward." The Apostle Paul seemed to place all his hope 
for perfection on this constant movement — this going. 
"This one thing I do, forgetting the things that are be- 
hind, I press toward the mark," &c. 

Of course, then, a third and essential element of perma- 
nent progress is righteousness. Movement on the wrong 
course is worse than standing still. There is a general 
righteousness and a specific righteousness. There is a 
righteous course for the business man — not merely a spir- 
itual righteousness, but what might be called a temporal 
or secular righteousness or lightness. The successful 
man of business is he who is endowed with certain peculi- 
ar gifts — a sense of order, of the value of time, a presence 
of mind in difficulty, a power of seeing the thing to be 
done at the proper time, insight into the relations of dif- 
ferent kinds of wealth. These are the qualities which 
have tilled this land and Europe with the magnates of 

This is a bettering of the outward conditions. But the 
elements of usefulness and permanence are lacking where 
the man of money has no proper idea of his possessions, 
When he uses them only for himself — only to get on — on- 
ly to push forward his family or his friends: with no 
larger aim for the interests of the community or the race. 
To this man there is a constant dissatisfaction, and when 
he has advanced in years he will have wearied old age, 
magnificence and splendor in his outward surroundings, 
but no largeness of heart — forgotten, and justly forgot- 
ten, the day after his death. 

Take the artist. He lias the means of leading men to 
the better eonntry intellectually and morally — of lifting 
them by his work to a higher plane. He has the gift of 
revealing the inner beauty of the universe — the gilt of el- 
evating the imagination of men — the gift of giving noble 
pleasure — the gift of teaching men how to see and to love 
what they see. But if he uses these gifts for himself — for 
making money and fame for himself, they will lose their 
power, or, rather, the living ideas which give tliem their 
power. All true inspiration and true use of it conies of 
throwing one's self into the interests, feelings, and move- 
ments ot humanity. The musician can make noble music 
when the beats of inspiration are harmonious with the 
beats of the general heart; when love, not self, is at the 
root. The writer or speaker who wishes to leave to the 
world of men a legacy of true thoughts, true work, should 
take unto himself the whole world of men. When he 
ceases to recognize the fact that every good and perfect 
gift is from above — from the common Father — when lie 
is tempted to pride himself upon the divine things in him 
as if they were his own and for his own use, and to think 
himself specially favored of God, and separated by his 
gifts from the rest of mankind, then his work is either 
destroyed or rendered imperfect. 

Take the statesman. Here is the man whose profes- 
sions and aims are to improve by legislation or diplomacy 
the conditions around him. He desires literally a better 
country. If we study at all the course of contemporary 
history, w r e find, throughout the world, from the Indian 
to the Pacific Ocean, that the desire of rulers and law- 
makers — the aspirations of classes and professions — are 
for a better country. But nowhere, or, at least, only in 
exceptional cases, do we find commended or adopted, the 
only principles through which a better country can be se- 
cured, — the principles laid down b\ Him of whom it is 
said that His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. Men 


construct other kingdoms, organize powerful political 
parties, lay other foundations for power and greatness, 
but they have in them the elements neither of beneficence 
nor perpetuity. There is no way of winning an enduring 
kingdom over men's hearts, but the way which is built 
within us by the righteousness of God and without us by 
His love — and within and without us by both — by right- 
eous love and loving righteousness. 

The races now holding power in the world have not al- 
ways held it ; but, because by the use, at various times, 
of unchristian methods they have secured power, which, 
must, owing to its origin and use, be brief, even if it lasts 
a thousand years, they indulge in boast of the very qual- 
ities in spife ol* which not because of which, theyhave ex- 
tended their sway to the ends of the earth. 

W e heard a few weeks ago, a distinguished statesman 
from his place in the Senate, introduce an oration for 
which the whole country had waited with anxious 
expectation in the following terms: 

"Mr. President, the race to which we belong is the 
most arrogant and rapacious, the most exclusive and in- 
domitable in history. It is the conquering and the un- 
conquerable race, through which alone man has taken 
possession of the physical and moral world. To our race 
humanity is indebted for religion, for literature, for civil- 
ization. It has a genius for conquest, for politics, for ju- 
risprudence and lor administration. The home and the 
family are its contributions to society. Individualism, 
fraternity, liberty and equality have been its contribu- 
tions to the state. All other races have been its enemies 
or its victims." 

Now, in this remarkable utterance, the sentences that 
are true are not commendable, and the sentences that are 
commendable are not true. The last sentence exposes 
the hollowness of the boast. All other races have been 
its enemies or its victims. The "individualism, the fra- 
terniy and the equality" have been for itself, not for bu- 
rn an it}'. 


But this was a strange boast, even if It were well founded, 
for the representative of a Christian nation to indulge, in 
on so important an occasion — a nation professing to hold 
in reverence, above all other peoples, that book which 
teaches the duty of humility and the beauty of sacrifice,, 
which professes to follow Him who taught that SERVICE 
not powisr is the measure of title nobility, and the evi- 
dence of Christian discipleship ; who took upon Himself 
the form of a servant, who, according to the touching nar- 
rative of the loving disciple, — 

u Knowing that the Father had given all things into? 
his hands, and that He was come from God and went to 
God, riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments, and 
took a towel and girded himself. After that he poureth 
water into a basin, and began to wasli his disciples' feet 
and to wipe them with the towel, wherewith he was 

Here was the evidence of enduring power — service. It 
wa^ His constant teaching to His disciples — He that would 
be chief among you let him become your servant;" and 
this, among His last acts, was intended to give an impres- 
sive object lesson to be transmitted through them to all 
His followers. "I have given you an example/' He said, 
at the close of the ceremony, " that ye should do as I have 
done unto you." 

And this is the ground of all honor and greatness in 
the sight of God and man. No kingdom, not founded on 
this, whatever its glare and glitter, and however pro- 
tracted its influence, can be permanent. If we will take 
a glance at history, past and contemporary, we shall find 
that, after all, the instincts of humanity are to honor ser- 
vice, not power. To whom are the monuments erected in 
the great centres of civilization 1 ? Are they to men who 
only exercised power ? You will find that the names 
around which the heart's reverence and devotion pour 
their choicest perfumes are not those of the merely pow- 
erful. It is not the illustrations of the rapacity of men 


that will ring down the ages. It is not these that, like 
n refreshing stream, will rush through the desert of the 
future, giving life by their overflow and producing abund- 
ant harvests. No; the greastest men have not been the 
rapacious conquerors or the kings or political leaders, but 
the martys for truth and righteousness — those who set 
free the bodies and souls of men — the prophets, the in 
ventors, the poets, the philosophers, the artists. Not the 
author of the Fugitive Slave Bill will be immortal in the 
annals of this nation, but the writer of the P^mancipation 
Proclamation. Not the boast of Senator Toombs that he 
would call the roll of his slaves under the shadow of Bun- 
ker Hill Monument, but the sayings of Phillips and Gar- 
rison and Sumner — the songs of Whittier, of Longfellow, 
of Lowell. Not the memory of Jeff Davis will send a 
thrill throughout humanity, but the recollection of the 
so-called insanity of John Brown. The men who wrought 
and spoke for righteousness, for justice for freedom — 
these are the men who have eternal power; their voices 
ring now in our ears; their words move us now into new 
passions, which exalt our life; their actions kindle in us 
aspirations and efforts which lift us to higher levels. The 
power of warriors, and kings, and wealth, aud rank sinks 
into insignificance before this power, and men are begin- 
ning at last to learn this truth, 

•• Right forever on the scaffold ; 

Wrong forever on the Thone; 
Yet the scaffold sways the Future ; 

And behind the dim unknown 
Standeth God within the shadow 

Keeping watch above His own." 

That poet whom the Christian world is at this moment 
lamenting sang with his latest breath — 

" Of one who never turned his back, but march'd breast forward ; 
Never doubted clouds would break ; 
Never dream'd though Right were worsted. Wrong would triumph ; 
Held we fall to rise, are baffled to fight better; 
Sleep to wake." 

When the orator says that to the Caucasian race "hu- 
manity is indebted for religion, for literature, for civiliza- 


tion,"he is speaking with the inexactness not of the his- 
torian, but of the politician. Everybody knows that the 
basis of the civilization and literature of the present day 
was on the Nile and not among the Caucasian race — not 
on the Ilissus, the Tiber, the Khine or the Thames, but on 
the rivers of Ethiopia. There were only two steps be- 
tween Egypt and modern Europe — Greece and Koine. 
Greece took not only civilization and literatuie but even 
religion lrom Ethiopia, Such were the wonderful devel- 
opments of civilization and literatuie and religion in that 
country, that the early pcets and historians of Greece, 
unable to understand such marvellous indigenous growth 
attributed it to the direct interference of the gods, who 
they affirm went every year to feast with the Ethiopians. 

But even if — passing by the great religions of China 
and India, professed by more than one-half of the human 
race and with the founding of which Caucasians had 
nothing whatever to do — we take the three highest re- 
ligions — Judaism, Christianity and Mohammedanism, the 
Caucasian can not claim to be their exclushe originators. 
Moses, the founder of Judaism, was born in Africa and 
trained in Egyptian philosophy, learned, we are told, " in 
all the wisdom of the Egyptians." Though the Founder 
of Christianity was Semitic or Caucasian, his life was 
threatened in his infancy by a jealous and ambitious Cau- 
casian ruler; and it was in the land of the Hamites and 
by Hamite solicitude and hospitality that he was pre- 
served; and when, during the last hours of his life one 
set of Caucasians condemned him to death by false accu- 
sations and another set imposed upon him the burden of 
his own cross, it w as an African who came to the support 
of that greatest of prophets. Again, when the religion 
of Islam would have perished in the place of its origin, 
by Caucasian intolerance and persecution, it was to the 
land of Ham that its few adherents fled for shelter and 
protection : so that if these religions did not originate in 
Africa, Africa was their nursing mother. 


Tlie Caucasian characteristic impatience of guidance 
and control, widen nailed tlie Redeemer of mankind to 
the cross, makes it difficult now for them to carry the 
Gospel to races alien to themselves. Tliej have gene to 
foreign lands and the natives of those lands do not con- 
sider tliem as following the principles of the icligion 
they profess to have founded. The backward races u I e- 
eome their victims or their enemies." 

The African boasts not of the service which his country 
and his people have rendered to civilization and religion ; 
but lie knows that through all the ages and on all the conti- 
nents he has rendeied service in the highest and in the low- 
est walks. He has for three hundred years been the colossal 
servant of the Western Hemisphere. But he takes the 
word of the great Master lor it, that he who serves will 
reign. He that will be chief first becomes a servant. 
Therefore, he has defied the rapacity of the all-conquer- 
ing Caucasian ; and his abounding vitality on this side 
of the Atlantic is filling with dismay the dominant and 
invincible race. The spectre of a reaction from service 
to rule is haunting the visions of many of the thoughtful 
Caucasians in the southern part of this country. 

• But the rapacious instincts of the conquering races are 
being neutralized by the pervading principles of Christi- 
anity, wisich, in spite of individual views, are taking poses- 
sion of nations. In spite of brag, and boast, and bluster, 
the kingdoms of the world are becoming the kingdoms of 
the Lord and of his Christ. It is being found out that the 
rapacity was not a cause of, but a hindrance to, wide and 
permanent influence. It is beginning to be seen that not 
wealth and material comfort, and commercial prosperity 
and political power, are the greatness of a nation ; these 
are good and desirable, but the true greatness of a na- 
tion does not abide in them alone. 

It is under the influence of these convictions that the 
young Emperor William of Germany is giving Europe a 


sensation — troubling' the rapacious instincts of Lis race — 
by the suggestion of an international labor conference, 
with a view of meeting the nerds and desires of the work- 
ing classes — to promote their health, morality and pro] ev 
remuneration, and to preserve their claims to equality be- 
before the law. He is endeavoring to make tl e laws of 
his country in relation to the poor, the enslav ed, the over- 
worked, the lost and the outcast, Christian laws. 

Mr. Gladstone, also, the leader of the advanced views of 
the other great — perhaps the greatest — Cam asian na- 
tion, is endeavoring to bring the glad tidings of the Gos- 
pel to the poor. We all know his self-denying labois for 
Ireland. Only a few weeks ago, speaking of India, he 
said, "There weie many transactions, ft hic-Ii eight to 
raiee a blush of shame on the cheek of Englishmen ; but 
principles of right were lememl ered by those who new 
governed India. * * * Enormous as was ti e field for 
enterprise (in that country) still moie lemaikable wasthe 
field for courage and for virtue, and for showing that the 
Christian profession of England was not a meie rame, 
but that they hoped to recommend Christianity to the 
good will and favor of the people of India by showing 
the fruits that it produced in the lives of those who pro- 
fessed i t." * 

European explorers and pioneers are paying respect to 
the teachings of Christianty. The civilized world read 
with surprise and gratification, a few days ago, that Stan-, 
ley, the great African traveler, was an earnest student 
of the Bible — that for six months he had been studying 
the new version of the Holy Scriptures — that he had a 
reverential turn of mind; while others speak of luck he 
speaks of a Divine Providence. 

The missionary work in Africa is also taking a forward 
move and will be conducted on a higher plane — that is, 
more in accordance with the teachings of Christ. Men 

* Speech at Ha warden, January 13, 1890. 


from the higher Universities of Europe — . of deeper culture, 
greater spiritual insight, wider sympathies, are now en- 
listing in the work. On the Niger, on the Congo and on 
the great Lakes these enlightened heralds of Christianity 
are lifting up the standard of the cross. 

All this insures a better future for humanity. The 
natural rapacity of the Caucasian is eoming under the 
controlling influence of the Prince of Peace. 

Science is also contributing toward this humane end. 
Men are learning more and more the vastness of humani- 
ty and the persistency of the great types, and the impor- 
tance to the whole of this persistency. It is only as we 
move in narrow grooves, and know nothing of the vast 
life beyond us, that we are narrow and contracted, and 
think that outside of our little sphere there is nothing 
worth consideration — nothing worth respecting or pre- 
serving. Some of yon here will remember the description 
given by Wordsworth of how he felt when he first went 
from the country to London; A weight of ages, he says, 
descended on his heart — no thought embodied, no distinct 
remembrances, but weight and power — power growing 
under weight. 

This was met in him by a corresponding amplitude of 
mind; and the sense of all the great city had done and 
suffered, was doing and suffering still. Then followed 
the deep impression of the vastness and unity of man. 
He began to realize their joys, sorrows, sins, efforts, pas- 
sions as outside of his own personality. 

Something like this we see taking place in the bosom 
of Europe — in relation to the great dark continent. By 
a better acquaintance with the vastness of its tribes, 
scientific and commercial adventurers are learning that 
i he newly discovered peoples are too valuable, in their in- 
tellectual and moral possibilities, to be destroyed. The 
terrible indictment drawn by ('anon Fariar against the 
drink traffic in Africa is haunting Europe like a night- 
mare. Representatives of the various branches of the 


European races are meeting* in conference to devise mcsm- 
ures to protect the African from the ravages of their own 
unscrupulous trade. Europe is rising and her leading; 
minds are contending - lor an international reparation to 
that continent for the wrongs inflicted upon her. 

The examples of the past in dealing' with weaker races 
are being ignored. It is no longer considered creditable 
to '-expunge the savage like figures from a slate" A 
spirit is being more and more infused into the progress 
of the world, which tends to destroy race enmities, to 
diminish the victims of race rapa ;ity, and to reconcile 
nation with nation. Men begin to feel that when for 
their own interest, or their own selfish purposes, th'\v vio- 
late by war or by oppression justice or freedom or indi- 
viduality in other nations or support those who violate 
these things, they are not acting in accordance with Chris- 
tian but Pagan traditions. 

And it is to the progress of these principles in this- 
land that we must trust for the rectification of whatever 
is unjust and oppressive in the relation of the races. 
Those who claim that this is their country exclusively, as 
against all who wear the u shadowed livery of the burn- 
ished sun," and aspire after a better country by means of 
oppression and injustice are performing the labors of 
Sisyphus or weaving the web of Penelope, or, worse still 7 
sowing the wind. The only solution of suffering on the 
one hand and of arrogance and anxiety on tin? other is 
the application of the Golden Rule — "All things whatso- 
ever ye would that men should do to you do ye even so to 

In my travels in this country and mj observations 
among the colored people I have been struck with the 
marked improvement which they have made in the brief 
period since the fundamental laws of the land have rec- 
ognized their manhood. The history of no modern peo- 
ple furnishes such evidences of Providential guidance and 


innate possibilities. Twenty years of freedom find tlie 
Russian serfs very little if any better off than they were 
wlien freed from their masters. The American INegro, in 
view of his achievements in five and twenty years, is a 
wonder to the world; and among the candid observers of 
his history, he inspires the hope and confidence in his ca- 
pacity for the work of the future — the great work of re- 
construction in the land of his fathers. For him as to his 
future influence upon and position in the great human 
family, nil desperandum is the doctrine I preach. Hav- 
ing overcome so much he will overcome more. 

*"0 passi graviora dabit deus his quoque finem." 

He now pines with desire amid his uncomfortable sur- 
roundings for a better country, he will reach that coun- 
and, in many respects, here in the land of his birth. 

He is learning to organize, to think, to express himself. 
The influence of this, both upon himself and upon his 
neighbors, must be transforming and elevating. 

The courtesy of your pastor has allowed me the oppor- 
tunity of saying a few words to you before I leave the 
country. I am glad to thank you for the kind reception 
and cordial welcome w T hich you have always accorded me. 
I know that many of you live in a state of dissatisfaction 
and unrest on account of the condition of our people in 
this country. But, believe me, I see no ground for de- 
spondency or despair. On the other hand, there is much 
for encouragement and joy. Remember the reply of Sam- 
son's mother to Manoah, when he said, " We shall surely 
die, because we have seen God." She said, with true 
womanly insight, "If the Lord were pleased to kill us, He 
would not have received a burnt-offering and a meat-ofter- 
ing at our hands, neither would He have showed us all 
these things, nor would He at this time, have told us 
these things" — Judges xiii-23. 

There is a talent entrusted to you. It is your duty to 

* Virgil, Book 1-198. 


call into action the highest forms of your being-. Do nofr 
invert the true order of your lives by loving yourselves, 
awl the world instead of the Lord and your neighbor. It" 
does not matter what your calling may l>e — whether it be 
what men call menial or what the world calls honorable — 
whether it be to speak in the Liallsof Congress or to sweep 
out those*halls — wlietlier it l>e to wait upon others or to 
be waited on — it is the' manner of using your faculties: 
that will determine the result — that will determine your 
true influence in this world and your status in the world) 
to come. 

If you desire a better country in this world Let your 
motto be -'onward and upward." 

Not enjoyment and not. sorrow. 
Is our destined* end or way ; 
Knt to act that each tomorrow 
Find us further than today." 

Every one should do his part t'o advance humanity. 
Each should exert himself to be a helper in progress. 
Whatever your condition, you do occupy some room in the 
world ; what are you doing to make return for rhe room 
you occupy i There are so many of our people who fail to 
realize their responsibility, who fail to hear the inspiring 
call of the past and the prophetic call of the future. 

Brethren, are you living the daily round of the present 
without care or prayer, without effort or sacrifice for the 
cause of human progress? When you look batik at the dis- 
tance which, as a people, you have traversed, you have 
cause for gratitude, and when you look before you and 
around you to the facilities for growth and work which 
Christian civilization supplies, and the increasing respon- 
sibilities, there is surely sufficient to stimulate your zeal.. 

The great fields of wide and increasing necessities do 
not lie afar off now. Men can go around the world in less 
than eighty days. This brings to your very doors the 
needy continent across the waters to which by blood you 
are allied. Events are moving on for its regeneration ; 


tire grand march of progress will go on whether yon 
join it or not. There are ninny for whom the past lias no 
inspiration' ami tlie future no meaning. But the way to 
the > Golden Gate of the better country for the i ace will 
9>e hewn out whetlier they aid or not. 

!N©w, I com mend you to God and to tlie word of his 
.grace. £ urge you to desne and seek after that better 
country to which tlie text .refers, even the heavenly. For, 
after all, the tilings that are seen are temporal, but the 
things that are not s^en are eternal. 

To tlio^-e who ate just entering - life; upon whom the 
freshness and joy of youth still rest, I would say, life is 
fleeting and it is hardly worth while to follow anything 
but that which makes for ti e upbuilding of humanity. 
Fill your lile with love and righteousness, with meekness 
and peacemaking, with humbleness of heart, with faith- 
ful work for God and man. 

In a short time, most of us, who have reached the mid- 
dle way of life will find our feet-stumbling among the 
graves. If it is my privilege to return to this country, I 
may find that those who are now bright and young have 
ripened into years — sadder without — but I trust more joy- 
ful within- But whether I may he permitted to return or 
not, I know that in a few years at most, there will be 
nothing left of any of mx but a few green spaces in the 
burial ground. Therefore, let me urge yon, amid all your 
temptations and trials, believe in the eternal Love. Keep 
ilove yourselves, never lose its impulse, and you will he 
anore and more fitted for the final citizenship and enfran- 
chisement. When yon approach the close of the crisis, 
your fellow citizens of the glorious city will come to you, 
angel visitants will attend you and minister to you as 
you cross the stream to that better country, whose in- 
habitants never say I am sick, or I am weary or foot sore - 

And there shall be no more curse; but the throne of 
God and of the Lamb shall be in it ; and his servants 


sliall serve Him ; and tliey shall see His face; and His 
name sball be in their foreheads. And there shall he no 
night there, and they need no candle, neither the light of 
the sun ; for the Son of God giveth them light ; and they 
shall reign forever and ever.